Hire team members we can work with forever. Prioritize individuals who align with Treeview’s Core Values and Core Beliefs and want to help build the long term vision of Treeview.
Prioritize great fits now. Prioritize present ideal candidate fit over potential ones that require compromises. Compromises often introduce conditional fits that lead to present-day pains, which we should aim to minimize.
Treeview gives little importance to CVs and formal education. We evaluate potential candidates by portfolio, trusted referrals and by working together. Before onboarding, all candidates should go through a short 1-2 week evaluation period, during which we collaborate on a challenging task to evaluate the experience of collaboration and the actual quality of output.
The best way to evaluate new team members is to immerse them in high-priority, high-impact, and urgent tasks from the start. By jumping straight into the deep end, we can quickly assess if they are a good long-term fit.
Early exposure to challenging tasks helps identify both strengths and areas for growth. By pushing to the point of failure, we gain valuable insights into whether a candidate is a good long-term fit and where they might need support.
Trust is built through shared experiences, and meaningful work accelerates those connections. Until trust is established, verify outcomes and rely on instinct to guide initial decisions. If a candidate is not a fit, identifying this early benefits everyone involved.
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