👋 About Us

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/43243588-b055-48df-ac3b-fb74b8f54f50/1581105086584.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/43243588-b055-48df-ac3b-fb74b8f54f50/1581105086584.png" width="40px" /> Treeview is a high-end boutique development studio that builds AR/VR products and solutions for enterprises.


🛣️ Why We Are in Business?

We believe that the technological revolution is just beginning, and we want to play a key role in the creation of the next chapter of technology. We believe immersive technologies will be a key technology of the revolution.

🚘 How We Do Business?

We focus on maintaining a high talent density team of top-tier software developers and designers focused on AR/VR technologies.

We are a bootstrapped independent organization that prioritizes team happiness above business growth. We carefully select a limited number of clients whose culture, focus on quality, and enthusiasm for the future of technology align with our own.

We aim to be an organization of the future, redefining and innovating the concept of work. We encourage our team to embrace unique lifestyles, such as being digital nomads or actively involved parents, and encourage them to work when they feel most productive.

We **invest time in internal projects and research ****to evaluate technological opportunities, gain additional skillsets, and gain insights into potential key values of AR/VR applied in different industries.

We standardize processes that align with our team's Core Values to accelerate communication and streamline productivity. In addition, these processes allow for dynamic and interchangeable roles throughout the team, enhancing our team's remote, distributed work style.