<aside> 👋 Hey! The following guide contains instructions on how to participate in an Alpha testing session to win a USD 50 Meta Store Gift Card. This testing session is an in-depth session designed to provide additional insights to the Treeview team, helping to improve the development of Newton’s Room.


📋 Requirements

✅ Step by Step Instructions

  1. Conduct this survey before testing Newton’s Room Alpha Build: Pre Testing Survey

  2. Video record your first run through of Newton’s Room Alpha. Remember to enable Microphone when video recording. This can be done by starting recording from the Quest menu.

    It would be super helpful if you could share your mind while using the app. Sharing your thoughts while using the app provides the development team with additional layers of empathetic understanding regarding different aspects of the app.

    Ideal length of the video would be to play more than the first module of the law of action and reaction. The more the better 😄.


  1. After testing the build, take the Post Testing Survey.
  2. Let the Treeview team know that everything is done at [email protected] with a link to the video and share the email you would like to receive the USD 50 gift card.

Thank you for helping us build the future of mixed reality experiential learning!

For any question contact us at [email protected] or join our discord for direct contact the all the team at: Join Discord.

Feel free to follow the project on social media:

📓 Additional Notes