1. 1️⃣ Managers of One
  2. ⌛ If a Stakeholder Asks for an Update, It’s Too Late
  3. 🗺️ Always Provide Context.
  4. 🏃 Set the Pace
  5. 🆘 Ask for Help

1️⃣ Managers of One

Treeview strives to be a team of managers of one. A manager of one takes ownership by setting their own direction, identifying what needs to be accomplished, and taking action without waiting for explicit instructions. They manage their time effectively, work independently, and understand that there is always more work to be done, more initiatives to take, and more opportunities to work on.

⌛  If a Stakeholder Asks For An Update, It’s Too Late

We work asynchronously and remotely, so it’s important to proactively share information about the status of what we are working on. Status updates should be communicated from the closest point of contact to the work and should be distributed asynchronously. The responsibility of keeping everyone in the loop lies with those closest to the context. If someone both a client or internally has to ask for an update that is not available asynchronously, it’s a yellow flag.

🗺️ Always Provide Context

You have all the details and context for your work—assume others do not. Provide the necessary context when collaborating with others. Make it easier for them to understand and engage with a conversation or request. Do the prep work for them to ensure smooth collaboration.

🏃 Set the Pace

Introduce urgency into what we do. Emotionally align with the status of each project and phase, and execute with the appropriate urgency. Do not rely on external pressure to drive your actions. Set your own direction when one isn’t given, determine what needs to be done, and do it without waiting for someone to tell you to. Treeview is a small, high-impact team managing multiple projects and initiatives simultaneously. Assume that others are busy. If you need something, take the initiative to get it yourself.

🆘 Ask for Help

Asking for help is a strength, not a weakness. Managing risk means identifying challenges early and seeking help before small issues escalate. Be humble and proactive. Reach out for guidance, feedback, or support when needed. We’re a high-trust, high-performance team, and keeping momentum means leaning and supporting each other.

⏮️ Team

⏭️ Product Building