1. 🧑‍🍳 Authority is Based on Domain and Context Expertise
  2. ❓Start With Why
  3. 👂 Engage with Empathy

🧑‍🍳 Authority is Based on Domain and Context Expertise

We are a domain authority led organization. Although we have different roles we strongly avoid hierarchical structure. Authority is based on the domain expertise of each role.

It’s important to respect team members domains of expertise and in the case of “conflict,” guide the challenge with sharing thought process and with empathic communication.

❓ We Start With Why

All decisions at Treeview start with understanding the Why behind what we do and how we do it. Use our Core Values and Core Beliefs as a thought process guide and to set expectations with the team.

Decisions should be challenged with Why and clearly communicated by sharing the thought process.

Add clarity when things are highly important. Very few things should be classified as highly important, but when they are, communicate clearly why they matter.

👂 Engage with Empathy

We focus on understanding the personal needs of others before prioritizing our own. We strive to step outside our own perspectives, eliminating ego when engaging with team members and clients.

Our priority is what is best in the long term for both each team member and Treeview. These both should be aligned.

Understand the balance between motivation and discipline. Empower others, empowerment drives mutual accountability and motivation.

⏮️ Communication

⏭️ Client Facing